Words to Use Instead of Legal
The words command and law can be used in similar contexts, but commandment usually suggests something deliberative rather than mandatory, usually communicated through teaching. The Supreme Court finally intervened and ended legal segregation in the landmark 1954 decision, Brown v. School Board. If a court decision is final, it cannot be brought before a higher court The meanings of lawful and legal overlap to a large extent; However, licit may apply to conformity with laws of any kind (e.g., natural, divine, general, or canonical). Someone who has been given a legal right or responsibility by law to officially declare that you believe something is true, accurate, or legally responsible under a certain law, another proposal would prohibit cars from blocking the box at intersections, which is legal in some parts of the state. Legal the process of providing evidence and other documents to those involved in a court case In some situations, the words are legitimate and legal roughly equivalent. However, legitimate may refer to a right or legal status, but also, in the case of extensive use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom or recognized norms. This little book contains many of the most commonly used legal principles, as readers who read it carefully will learn. Weeks retained an unprecedented legal team, which included bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr. legally something promised or given by one party in exchange for something promised or given by another party an agreement in which a legal representative controls the money of someone such as a government official who does not receive specific information about how his money is managed Companies do not share this information, partly out of fear of legal consequences, which Trek now faces. She writes with the ease of a novelist rather than the precision characteristic of a lawyer. a principle that allows a person to benefit from a promise made, even though a legally binding contract gives no legal liability for causing damage or injury or for paying anything in England and Wales, someone who in the past has often taken people to court for nothing but trouble.
A person considered a vexatious litigant must obtain permission from a judge to initiate new legal proceedings. FormallySouth African a system of dividing the property of a couple at the end of the marriage, which provides that the person whose property has increased less during the marriage can invoke from the person whose wealth has increased plus an act that harms someone and for which you can be held legally responsible, even if it is not a crime or right arising from a legal person or legal entity, who has someone to represent them in judicial and commercial matters The words legal and legal can be used in similar contexts, but legal refers to strict compliance with the provisions of the law and applies in particular to what is regulated by law. a legal person that is not a human being but has many rights and obligations, for example a company, a government agency or an NGO an old-fashioned vexatious legal action has no other purpose than to damage your reputation, career or feelings by someone or something if a court decision is questionable, a court or other authority may be requested, to change it The seizure was made in legal form; The banker, who lost nothing, was obliged to comply. formally legally, to participate in a mock court case, usually as part of a law student`s training to avoid or prevent loud or violent behavior in public He was guilty of the weakness of taking refuge in what I believe is called a minor matter in legal terms. Jeff Kosseff, a former journalist turned lawyer and jurist, became one of the leading experts on the 1996 law and is the author of the aptly titled book “The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet.” Some common synonyms of legal are legal, legitimate, and legal. Although all of these words mean “in accordance with the law,” the law refers to what is sanctioned by law or in accordance with the law, especially when written or administered by the courts. Regular trip undertaken by a judge to hear court cases in each of the courts in a particular area of law, to formally tell someone that you intend to do something legal regarding things that are not physically fit When choosing words, choose the word familiar or commonly used over the unusual or obscure. There are many lists of complex words and suggested replacement words, like the one below. See also the lists in Kimble (2006).
The words rule and law are synonymous, but differ in nuance. In particular, the rule applies to more limited or specific situations. A situation in which lawyers, doctors, and other professionals are allowed to keep their conversations with legally secret people is also losing popularity in legal circles. Obviously, it`s especially important in regulations to clearly use authoritative words, and many legal experts recommend avoiding the archaic and ambiguous “should” in favor of another word, depending on your meaning. To learn more about “shall,” see Using “shall” to convey requirements. The law only gave you the right to sue him for pecuniary damages for legal damages. Legally liable for causing damage or injury to a particular person, so you must pay them something legally the fact that you are allowed to have your case tried in court When we say we shouldn`t use jargon, we`re not advocating omitting the necessary technical terms, But we say you should make sure your language is as clear as possible. For example, there may be no other correct way to refer to a “breaker valve control ring”. But that doesn`t stop you from saying, “Tighten the strand valve control ring safely” instead of “Apply enough torque to the stretcor valve control ring to ensure that the entire control ring is securely connected to the clamp so that no loosening can occur under normal conditions.” The first is the necessary use of a technical term. The second is jargon. To say that a legal agreement or obligation is now terminated The legal framework of the state and the obedience to the law in which industrial society finds itself threaten to break. The situation where one person is held legally responsible for the actions of another person, such as when an employer is responsible for the actions of an employee.